Top Tips to Sell Print on Demand Pillows [2024]
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Top Tips to Sell Print on Demand Pillows

Last modified: April 1, 2024

Top Tips to Sell Print on Demand Pillows
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Print on demand pillows are a great way for you to earn more money from your website without having to increase your investment costs. There are numerous reasons why this is a great market for you. For one, it is worth a lot of money. The bedding market worldwide is worth $74 billion, and by 2028 it is expected to be worth approximately $147 billion.

In addition, pillows can be printed to have any design on them, giving you creative freedom for creating designs that you’re really happy with.

However, making a profit can be really challenging in any market. And if you’re looking to sell print on demand pillows, here are some top tips to ensure you can make the most of your business.

Key Takeaways
Diversify your pillow designs and analyze sales to focus on popular items while being responsive to current trends.
Set profit margins between 40-70% for pillows, allowing room for discounts to attract new customers.
Expand your product range beyond pillows, use email marketing and automation to enhance customer engagement.
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1. Create Numerous Designs

One of the first things that you should do is to create a catalog full of pillow case designs. Even using the same basic pillow case, that you can get printed from Printful, you can create dozens or hundreds of pillow case designs.

Check out our list of the best Shopify POD Print-on-Demand apps

Then you can analyze your results and promote the more successful options, and then remove those that do not sell.

At the same time, you should be very responsive to the latest trends. If you notice that yellow is becoming more popular, then you should try to incorporate a few more designs that have yellow in it.

2. Profit Margins

Be sure that you’re adding the best profit margins to your products. For any print on demand pillows, you should be looking to charge a profit margin of between 40-70%. That means if you’re charged $10 for the pillow case, you should be charging about $14-$17 to the customer.

Implementing effective print on demand product strategies can help optimize profit margins, ensuring sustainable revenue generation, while also providing flexibility to offer discounts and sales to attract new audiences and drive additional sales.

3. Use Email Marketing

Collect email addresses from your website visitors to market to them later for sales. Many consumers will not complete a purchase on the first visit to the website, but 70% won’t return unless you subscribe them to a mailing list.

You can also try to use push notifications that can attract audiences back to your website.

4. Expand Your Catalog

As well as having lots of pillow case designs. You can build better catalogs by expanding your range. Add new sofa covers, bedsheets and more to your website, and you can start to see cross-selling grow your revenues.

You can create product bundles, offering a discount if customers make a purchase when they buy several products at the same time. You can also bundle with related products like pajamas.

5. Automate

At the same time as giving the fulfillment to your printer, you can use Shopify to automate a lot of your functions. For instance, you can automate your social media, email marketing, push notifications and more.

Automation allows you to do more with your time.

Keep Reading

Conclusion: Top Tips to Sell Print on Demand Pillows

If you’re looking to sell print on demand pillows on your Shopify website, you’re entering a good market. The industry is expected to nearly double in the next six to seven years, and you can take your share from that with ease.

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    Maintain product quality and accuracy, have a customer-friendly return and refund policy, offer personalized assistance, train your customer service team effectively, and monitor social media.

  • What are some effective ways to build customer loyalty for my print on demand pillow business?

    Implement loyalty programs, ensure product quality, and provide exceptional customer service consistently and personalize marketing efforts and engage customers through email and social media.

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