Create 'Compare at Price' for Variant during Sale on Shopify [2024]
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How to Create a Compare at Price for a Variant During a Sale on Shopify

Last modified: March 28, 2024

How to Create a Compare at Price for a Variant During a Sale on Shopify
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Sales are a great way for you to grow your business. Especially during quiet periods or when you’re close to the season end/beginning of the next season. Doing sales at these times is a great way for you to get rid of stock that is specific for the season that is ending and would not sell well during the next season.

Sales are also a good way to boost conversions, grow your business’ reach and introduce new customers to your excellent services and products. Most eCommerce stores will host at least one sale every year. Most have sales on certain products all the time.

One of the best ways to make sure that your customers convert when there is a sale on is to showcase the price difference between the non-sale and sale price. This can be done easily when there are no variants. When there are variants, you need to make certain adjustments to the process. In this article, we look at the process of adding a sale compare price element to your variants.

So here are the instructions.

Key Takeaways
Log into Shopify, navigate to ‘Collections’, and select ‘Create Collection’ for sale items.
Choose ‘Automated’ in Collection Type for ease, and set ‘All Conditions’ for sales.
In ‘Conditions’, select ‘Compare at Price’, set greater than 0, and save your collection.
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Step 1 – Log In

The first step is to log into your Shopify store admin area using your credentials.

Step 2 – Product

From the main admin page, you need to choose the ‘Products’ option and then choose the product where the variants are. You can enter the product edit area by clicking on the product name.

Step 3 – Find Variants Section

On the edit products page, find the ‘Variants’ section on your website. Check that there are variants within this section.

Step 4 – Edit

Click on the ‘Edit’ option.

Step 5 – Original Price

There should be a ‘Price’ section and within this area, there is a ‘Compare at Price’ text box. Within this text area, you will want to add the original price of the product.

Step 6 – Add Sale Price

Now you need to add the sale price of the product variant. This will need to be added to the Price textbox. This value must be lower than the ‘Compare at Price’ box that you have just entered. Otherwise, it will not work.

Step 7 – Save

When you’ve completed all the changes that you would like to make, you can click on the ‘Save’ button.

Keep Reading

Conclusion: How to Create a Compare at Price for a Variant During a Sale on Shopify

When it comes to selling online, you might need to have a sale every so often on your website. Sales are great, but if customers can’t compare the original price against the sale price, then they might not convert.

Therefore, you can create compare at price elements on product descriptions that can help you tell customers what a good deal they’re getting from your website at the time. However, it’s important to note that when adding these elements, you should remove vendor names from product pages to maintain a professional and unbiased appearance.

The instructions above allow you to add this element to your variants across your store. It can be done one at a time with ease. If you would like further help with sales and price changes, there are lots of apps that can help you. One of the top options is this one here.

Moreover, if you’re looking to reduce costs on Shopify, consider utilizing these apps to automate price changes and sales, saving you time and effort. Additionally, Shopify offers advanced features and customizations that can help you optimize your store and increase sales.

  • Can I schedule ‘Compare at Price’ changes for sales in advance on Shopify?

    Yes, Shopify allows scheduling of ‘Compare at Price’ changes. This feature is useful for planning sales and promotions in advance, ensuring timely updates without manual intervention.

  • Is it possible to automate ‘Compare at Price’ adjustments based on inventory levels?

    Shopify doesn’t natively support automatic ‘Compare at Price’ adjustments based on inventory. However, third-party apps can be used to automate this process, enhancing efficiency and sales dynamics.

  • What are the best practices for setting a ‘Compare at Price’ that attracts customers?

    Best practices include setting a realistic ‘Compare at Price’ that reflects genuine savings. This approach builds trust and encourages purchases by demonstrating value to customers.

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