Hide Product Variants Without Deleting Them in Shopify [2024]
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How to Hide Product Variants Without Deleting them in Shopify

Last modified: April 4, 2024

How to Hide Product Variants Without Deleting them in Shopify
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Sometimes when you have product variants, you might want to hide them for a while. There can be several reasons for this. For example, you might have a seasonal variant, like a mug, specialist t-shirt or something. Another option is that you might want to hide product variants because they’re going to be out of stock for a long time.

Unfortunately, there is no specific way that allows you to hide any product variants on Shopify without deleting them on Shopify at the moment. Not with the basic Shopify plans at the moment. However, two options can work around this and allows you to hide variants.

Here are the two options available to you.

Key Takeaways
The first option is to log into Shopify, navigate to ‘Products’, and select the product to hide variants.
Next step is to uncheck ‘Continue selling when out of stock’ and set ‘Quantity’ to 0 to hide variants.
The second option is to use a third-party app for an easier and conflict-free variant management experience.
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Within Shopify Dashboard

Here are the instructions to hide the variants from products.

Step 1 – Log in

The first step is to log into your website.

Step 2 – Products

Now you can access the ‘Online store’ area of the Shopify dashboard, go to your ‘Products’ page and then enter the product within the list that is there.

Step 3 – Find Variant

Now you need to find the variant that you would like to hide on the product listing. This can be found on the product description page you’ve entered and scroll down the page. Within this area, you can uncheck the option of ‘Continue selling when out of stock’ that can be found within the ‘Track Quantity’ setting. Then, in the ‘Available’ area, you can set the stock ‘Quantity’ to 0.

This will hide the product from the list of available products.

Using an App

Another option is to use an app to manage all the variants on your website. This can be a quick and simple method and doesn’t cause any conflicts with other products that might have variants. There are plenty of third-party apps that can help you manage this aspect, and some of these are free and some of these are not.

Our recommendation is this app here. It is easy to use, cost-effective and offers plenty of functions to make managing your Shopify store much easier.

Keep Reading

Conclusion: How to Hide Product Variants Without Deleting them in Shopify

When it comes to hiding product variants without deleting them, there are two options for your website. Above are the options which are quick to implement and make your website much easier to manage. Which option will you use?

Some other options for hiding product variants without deleting them is to find your Shopify catalog ID for the specific variants you want to hide. With the catalog ID, you can identify and hide these variants from your product listings, streamlining your offerings while preserving the ability to reinstate them later if needed.

Alternatively, you could delete all product variants, but this approach is more drastic and may not be desirable if you want to keep the variants in your catalog for future use. Deleting variants permanently removes them from your store, which may not be ideal if you plan to reintroduce them at a later date.

Shopify also offers advanced customizations that allow you to manage product variants more efficiently. With access to the platform’s code and APIs, developers can create custom apps, integrations, and functionalities tailored to your business’s unique needs.

These advanced customizations enable you to implement sophisticated solutions for hiding, unhiding, or managing product variants without permanently deleting them, providing greater flexibility and control over your product offerings.

  • Can I hide a variant temporarily and then make it available again in Shopify?

    Yes, you can hide a variant temporarily in Shopify. Simply adjust the inventory settings again to make the variant available.

  • How do I ensure that hidden variants don’t appear in Shopify search results?

    To ensure hidden variants don’t appear in search results, manage your inventory settings correctly. Third-party apps can also offer more control over search visibility.

  • Can I hide variants in bulk across multiple products in Shopify?

    Hiding variants in bulk isn’t a default Shopify feature. You’ll need to use bulk editing tools or third-party apps to manage multiple products efficiently.

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