How To Edit CSS In Shopify [2024]
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How To Edit CSS In Shopify

Last modified: April 1, 2024

How To Edit CSS In Shopify
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Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a type of language that is used to describe how a document written in HTML or XML should be presented when displayed to a user. It helps to control the layout of the document and apply different layouts within various media types and formats of structured content.

Knowing CSS can be a useful skill for anyone who owns and operates a website and there apps that can help. So, here is how you can change the CSS of your website.

Key Takeaways
CSS describes how HTML or XML documents should be presented to users.
To edit CSS in Shopify: Access Admin, then Online Store, then Liquid Files.
Correct CSS changes, like adding meta tags, can enhance website search ranking.


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Step 1 – Admin

Log into your Shopify admin page using your store credentials.

Step 2 – Online Store

On the left-hand side menu, find and click on the ‘Online Store’ option. The themes page will open by default. There should be a button that appears on the top right-hand side that has the more (‘…’) symbol. Click on this and then in the drop-down menu you can select the ‘Edit HTML/CSS’ option.

Step 3 – Liquid Files

Find and open the ‘Asset’ folder and then click on the file that has CSS in the name. It should look like css.liquid. If you can’t find that, search for a file that ends with ‘css.liquid’ or ‘scss.liquid’. You can open this file to edit the CSS.

You can add, edit or remove CSS with ease from within this file. However, be sure that you’re happy to do this. When you make changes, you might break your site if you make an error.

Keep Reading

Grasping the Role of CSS in Shopify

Defining CSS

Cascading Style Sheets, commonly known as CSS, is a stylesheet language designed to dictate the visual presentation of documents written in HTML or XML.

It plays a pivotal role in determining the layout, color schemes, typography, and other visual elements of a website.

Importance of CSS in Shopify

In the context of Shopify, CSS is the backbone of a store’s appearance. While Shopify themes provide a foundational look and feel, CSS offers the flexibility to customize and refine this appearance.

By tweaking the CSS, store owners can align the store’s aesthetics more closely with their brand’s identity, ensuring a unique and memorable user experience.

Customization with CSS

Whether it’s changing the color of a button, adjusting the spacing between elements, or introducing a new font style, CSS empowers store owners with the tools to make these modifications.

With a basic understanding of CSS, even subtle changes can lead to significant improvements in the overall design and user experience of a Shopify store.

Implications of Editing CSS in Shopify

Enhanced User Experience

By editing the CSS in Shopify, store owners can refine the user interface to cater to their target audience’s preferences.

Properly executed CSS changes can lead to a more intuitive and enjoyable browsing experience, potentially increasing user engagement and sales.

Potential for Errors

While CSS offers customization power, it also comes with the risk of introducing errors.

Incorrect or conflicting CSS rules can lead to visual glitches, misaligned elements, or even render a site unusable. It’s essential to test any CSS changes thoroughly across different devices and browsers to ensure consistency.

Impact on Site Performance

Overloading a Shopify store with excessive CSS or unoptimized code can slow down page load times. Since site speed is a critical factor for user experience and search engine rankings, it’s crucial to ensure that any CSS edits do not adversely affect performance.

Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help monitor and optimize site speed after making CSS changes.


Best Practices for Editing CSS

Backup Before Making Changes

Always create a backup of your theme before making any changes. This ensures you can revert to the original state if something goes wrong.

Test on Multiple Devices

After editing the CSS, check your store’s appearance on various devices and browsers to ensure consistency and functionality.

Comment Your Changes

Adding comments to your CSS can help you and others understand the purpose of specific styles, making future edits easier.

Conclusion: How To Edit CSS In Shopify

Don’t let your website miss out on a function you need because of CSS. Learn how to make changes to your CSS for full, cost-effective control over your website using the steps above. Additionally, you can leverage Shopify advanced customizations to tailor your store’s appearance and functionality to suit your specific requirements.

One common customization is adding reviews to product pages, providing social proof and valuable feedback to potential buyers, enhancing customer trust and driving sales. Additionally, removing the default “Powered by Shopify” text in the footer with CSS customization can create a more professional and branded look, aligning with your store’s identity and branding strategy.

In addition to these specific examples, mastering CSS gives you the flexibility to make various other adjustments and enhancements to your Shopify store, from tweaking fonts and colors to optimizing layout and responsiveness. And with the right CSS changes, like adding meta tags, you can improve your website’s search ranking.

  • Can I revert changes made to the CSS in Shopify?

    Yes, you can revert changes made to the CSS in Shopify by restoring a previous version of your theme. It’s advisable to regularly backup your theme before making modifications to easily revert if needed.

  • Are there any risks associated with editing CSS in Shopify?

    Yes, editing CSS in Shopify carries risks such as introducing visual glitches or rendering parts of your store unusable. It’s essential to backup your theme before making changes to easily revert if issues arise.

  • What happens if I make a mistake while editing the CSS in Shopify?

    Mistakes in CSS can cause visual glitches or render parts of your store unusable, so it’s important to back up your theme before making changes. Consider using a staging environment to test changes and prevent potential issues on the live site.

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