How To Add Meta Tags On Shopify [2024]
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How To Add Meta Tags On Shopify

Last modified: October 28, 2023

How To Add Meta Tags On Shopify
Free Shopify Trial

Meta tags are the basic aspects of ranking for any website, whether they’re on Shopify or not. They can help you rank pages, products, categories, etc. on search engines for more traffic. Without meta tags being deployed right on your website, your traffic levels can drop.

Key Takeaways
For Shopify, navigate to the desired product/collection to add meta tags.
Meta descriptions should be between 155 and 160 characters.
Always save changes after editing meta tags on Shopify.

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How To Add Meta Tags In Shopify (Products/Collections)

Step 1: Log In To Shopify Dashboard

Log in to your Shopify store using your user credentials.

Step 2: Go To The Section You Want To Add The Meta Data

Next head on to the products or collections selection page, whichever one you want to add meta tags to. Then find the product/collection that you want to add the tags to.

Step 3: Edit Website SEO

Now click on the button ‘Edit website SEO’ into the search engine listing preview section.

Step 4: Dialog Box

In the dialogue box that appears, you can enter in the Page Title, Page Meta Description and the correct URL. Follow these tips for the best meta tag practices.

  • Keep descriptions to between 155 and 160 characters.
  • Use the same keyword for each meta tag.
  • Try to have a long tailed keyword for each page (one that is three to five words long).
  • Don’t use spaces or underlines (_) in between words, instead use dashes (-).
  • Meta titles should be less than 60 characters.

Step 5: Save

Next, ensure that you click on the ‘Save’ button to complete the process.

How To Add Meta Tags In Shopify (Pages/Blog Posts)

Step 1: Log In to Shopify Dashboard

Log in to your Shopify store using your user credentials.

Step 2: Go To The Page/Blog Post You Want To Add The Meta Data

Next head on to the page or blog post selection page, whichever one you want to add meta tags to. Then find the page/blog post that you want to add the tags to.

Step 3: Edit Website SEO

Now click on the button ‘Edit website SEO’ into the search engine listing preview section.

Step 4: Dialog Box

In the dialogue box that appears, you can enter in the Page Title, Page Meta Description and the correct URL. Follow these tips for the best meta tag practices.

  • Keep descriptions to between 155 and 160 characters.
  • Use the same keyword for each meta tag.
  • Try to have a long tailed keyword for each page (one that is three to five words long).
  • Don’t use spaces or underlines (_) in between words, instead use dashes (-).
  • Meta titles should be less than 60 characters.
  • Ensure that you have the keyword mentioned throughout the blog post/page at least two or three times.

Step 5: Save

Next, ensure that you click on the ‘Save’ button to complete the process.

Keep Reading

Enhancing Your Shopify Store with Meta Tags

Understanding the Power of Meta Tags

Meta tags play a pivotal role in determining how your Shopify store ranks in search engine results. These tags provide a snapshot of what your store offers, guiding both visitors and search engine algorithms. When a user conducts a search, they’re presented with a title, URL, and a brief description.

With Shopify, you have the flexibility to modify the title and description tags, ensuring they align with your store’s offerings. These tags not only influence how Google perceives your content but also impact user decisions, making them essential for effective SEO.

Meta Tags and SEO: A Deep Connection

Imagine you have a store specializing in hiking gear. If your meta tags accurately reflect this, users searching for hiking equipment will find your store more relevant, leading to increased clicks.

Conversely, if someone searches for unrelated items, like baby clothes, and your meta tags show hiking gear, they’re less likely to click on your store.

Over time, Google recognizes these patterns, adjusting your store’s ranking accordingly. Thus, accurate meta tags can significantly boost your store’s visibility to the right audience.


Advanced Meta Tag Addition Techniques

Adding HTML Meta Tags

For those familiar with coding, Shopify offers an advanced method to add meta tags. By accessing the code editor via Online Store > Themes > Published theme > Actions > Edit code, you can directly input meta tags.

While this method offers more flexibility, it requires a basic understanding of coding to ensure no errors are introduced.

Verification with Search Engines

To further optimize your store’s SEO, consider verifying your Shopify store with platforms like Google Search Console, Bing WebMaster, Yandex Webmaster, or Pinterest.

This involves adding specific verification meta tags to your store, which can be done through the theme.liquid file in the Layout section. Once added and saved, these tags help in authenticating your store with the respective platforms, enhancing your SEO efforts.

Ensuring Meta Tag Accuracy

Occasionally, you might notice that your meta description isn’t displaying correctly. This could be due to exceeding the character limit or requiring reindexing by Google.

If the latter, simply request a reindex via Google Search Console. This process can take between 24 to 72 hours, so patience is key. Properly optimized meta tags can significantly elevate your store’s visibility, driving more traffic and potential sales.

Adding Meta Tags On Shopify: Important Reminders

Consistency is Key

When adding meta tags to a Shopify store, consistency across all pages ensures a cohesive brand message. Whether it’s product pages, collections, or blog posts, maintaining a uniform tone and style in meta descriptions can enhance the user experience and improve search engine rankings.

Avoid Overstuffing Keywords

While it’s tempting to include as many keywords as possible in meta tags, this can be counterproductive. Search engines may perceive this as “keyword stuffing” and could penalize the store in rankings. Instead, focus on creating meaningful, concise meta descriptions that genuinely reflect the content of the page.

Regularly Update Meta Tags

As a Shopify store evolves, so should its meta tags. Whether adding new products, updating blog posts, or changing the store’s focus, it’s essential to revisit and revise meta tags to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Monitor Performance

Regularly monitoring the performance of meta tags can provide valuable insights. Using tools like Google Search Console can help identify which meta descriptions are driving traffic and which might need adjustments. This ongoing analysis ensures that meta tags continue to serve their purpose effectively.

Conclusion:How To Add Meta Tags On Shopify

Don’t forget, this process is very important for growing your Shopify store. The more traffic you get, the more revenue you will earn.

  • Are there any tools to help generate meta tags for my Shopify store?

    Yes, there are several SEO tools and Shopify apps that assist in generating and optimizing meta tags for better search performance.

  • Can I use special characters in my meta tags?

    It’s best to avoid special characters in meta tags. Stick to alphanumeric characters and common punctuation for clarity and compatibility.

  • Can I use the same meta tags for multiple products or pages?

    Avoid duplicating meta tags. Unique and relevant meta tags for each page enhance SEO and user experience.

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