How To Add Schema To Shopify [2024]
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How To Add Schema To Shopify

Last modified: November 10, 2023

How To Add Schema To Shopify
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Schema is a great way to get your website to rank highly on Google and improve the chances that you will get a click-through to your website. Learn more about schema here and how you can add it to your website.

Key Takeaways
Log in to Shopify, navigate to ‘Online Store,’ ‘Themes,’ select your theme, and click ‘Action,’ ‘Edit Code.
For product schema, edit the product.liquid file under templates, paste schema code, save, and test the page for functionality.
Alternatively, use apps like Smart SEO or Schema Plus for SEO for easier, less risky schema integration in Shopify.

What Are Schema Tags?

Schema is structured data that allows a website owner to mark up different types of content on their website. These structured data markups provide more information to search engines about the site and the content on the page. Therefore, search engines can better rank the content and allow you to have more traffic.

Schema tags also allow you to be displayed in rich results, therefore more information can be displayed about a particular subject within the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs).

Structured data is used to mark up the various different items on a website like products, videos, events and more. Recipes are also a common schema topic. You can use Google search for developers or to find out more about what type of structured data there is available.

On websites there are two types of structured data, RDFa and JSON-LD. It is highly recommended to use JSON-LD. This is recommended by Google and other developers.

Adding Schema Tags To Your Shopify Store Manually

If you want to add schema tags to your Shopify store manually, then you need to follow these instructions.

Step 1 – Login

Login to your Shopify store using your login credentials.

Step 2 – Themes

Then you need to go to your ‘Online Store’ and then ‘Themes’ option. Find the theme that you’re using and then click on the ‘Action’ and then ‘Edit Code’ option.

Step 3 – Find The Right File

If you’re looking to add a product schema tag, then you should locate the product.liquid file. This can be found under the templates option in most cases. You can paste the product schema code to the top of the liquid file. Before exiting, remember to save the document and test the product page to ensure that it is still working.

You can also test the coding using a free validation code checker.

The same process can be initiated on many other aspects such as an FAQ, breadcrumb, location, blog post, recipe, etc.. However, this is a hard, advanced level of coding and it is only really recommended if you’re sure you know what you’re doing. You will have to add code to many files in the right location. If you break your site you might need to hire a developer to fix it.

Using An App To Add Schema To Your Shopify Store

There’s also the option to use an app in order to add a schema to your Shopify store. This is a much easier option and there is far less than can go wrong. There are two apps that are highly recommended for this. The first is Smart SEO and the second is Schema Plus for SEO. They will help you generate the structured data you need to please Google and help you with your ranking.

Keep Reading

Enhancing Your Shopify Store with Schema

Understanding Schema Types and Selection

Shopify schema is a powerful SEO tool, offering three main types: JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa.

Each type has unique benefits, with JSON-LD being the most user-friendly and Microdata offering the best potential for rich results in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Choosing the right schema type is crucial for your store’s visibility. JSON-LD is easy to implement manually and widely recognized by search engines, while Microdata and RDFa may require more technical expertise but can provide faster updates in SERPs.

It’s essential to understand these differences to select the most suitable schema type for your Shopify store, ensuring better search engine understanding and customer trust through rich snippets and detailed product information.

Manual vs. Automated Schema Implementation

Implementing schema in Shopify can be done manually or through an app.

Manual implementation demands programming knowledge but is cost-effective, while apps offer convenience and speed, with some like Schema Plus for SEO being developed by former Google engineers.

Manual addition involves editing Shopify’s liquid files and validating the schema with Google’s testing tools.

Conversely, apps automate the process, injecting schema markup accurately and offering support for any issues.

Deciding between manual implementation or using an app depends on your technical skills and budget.

Both methods aim to enhance your store’s SERP presence, with the potential to increase traffic and sales significantly.

Maximizing the Benefits of Shopify Schema

Immediate Impact and Flexibility

Shopify schema provides immediate updates to your store’s SERPs, a crucial advantage for time-sensitive changes like sales or product variations.

This responsiveness ensures that your store’s latest information is always available to potential customers.

With schema, you can quickly reflect price changes or stock status, avoiding the lag that can occur with Google’s indexing.

This flexibility is vital for maintaining accurate and attractive product listings in search results.

Implementing schema markup means your store can adapt swiftly to market changes, keeping you ahead of competitors who may not utilize this powerful SEO tool.

Building Trust with Product Reviews

Schema markup also amplifies the power of customer reviews by making them visible in search results.

This visibility builds trust with potential customers before they even visit your store, as they can see the positive feedback from previous buyers.

By highlighting reviews, schema markup not only improves click-through rates but also enhances the perceived reliability of your products, encouraging more informed and confident purchase decisions.

Leveraging schema for displaying reviews can significantly impact your conversion rates, turning searchers into buyers by showcasing your store’s credibility directly in the SERPs.

Choosing the Right Schema for Your Store

While all schema types aim to enhance your store’s online presence, your choice should align with your technical skills and the store’s needs.

JSON-LD is recommended for those seeking simplicity, while RDFa and Microdata may offer better SERP features but require more expertise.

Consider the nature of your store and the resources at your disposal when selecting a schema type.

The right choice can lead to improved visibility, richer search results, and a better user experience.

Ultimately, the correct implementation of the Shopify schema can be a game-changer for your eCommerce success, making your products stand out in a crowded online marketplace.

Conclusion: How To Add Schema To Shopify

Adding schema to your Shopify store using an app is easy. It’s more costly, but it’s also the best option if you’re unsure about coding and not very confident. The price for either of the two options mentioned here is potentially very small in comparison to the revenue that could be added to your store.

  • Is it necessary to add schema to every product on my Shopify store?

    While it’s not mandatory, adding schema to each product can improve individual product visibility in search results and is generally recommended for SEO best practices.

  • What happens if I change my Shopify theme after adding schema?

    If you change your theme, you’ll need to reapply the schema markup to the new theme, as the markup is typically theme-specific.

  • Are there any risks of using incorrect schema markup?

    Incorrect schema markup can lead to errors that might affect how your products are displayed in search results, so it’s important to ensure accuracy.

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